It was a crayon blob nightmare!

It started out as an innocent 3rd grade science fair project.

New to homeschooling, I was clearly unaware of the fact that no science fair project should ever be described as “innocent”. My son, Benjamin and I discovered the project on a cool looking geology rock website. The neatly arranged photos explaining how to make the 3 main rock types with crayons, plus short, easy-to-do descriptions appeared harmless to the unknowing eye. Together, we decided this was the fair project for him. Who wouldn’t want to grate, melt and reform crayons while learning about rock cycles………right?

One food processor in the trash later, a crayon bomb in the kitchen plus enough waxed crayon on my hand grater to coat the side of a small mansion, I concluded this project was a science fair nightmare.

For my son’s sake, I tried to keep the grumbling to a minimum. He was loving all the processes of the experiment- grating the crayons, melting the crayons, simulating wind and glacial erosion. Of course, making a big mess was pretty fun in his mind as well. I’m not a neat freak, but come on, wax all over my kitchen, kitchen tools, cookie sheets, saucepans and table? This rock project was taking its toll.

However, in the end, he learned a lot, I learned a lot, and he even won at the Alaska State Science and Engineering Fair.

His science fair poster board was a big hit at the Alaska State Science and Engineering Fair.

I have had ample years to reflect back on this project and it surely was a memorable one. There is nothing quite like a science fair for us parents who have been through them. Broken kitchen power tools, hours of clean up……..but look at the smile on this little dude’s face! Would I do it again? You betcha. What was once a science fair crayon blob nightmare may very well bring laughter and smiles upon reflection years down the road.

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