Deadlocked Talons

It’s not every day you come across two bald eagles next to a road gripped to each other with deadlocked talons. This spring we received a call from a friend who exclaimed, “Hey, there’s two bald eagles next to the road trying to kill each other!”. As biologists who are trained in handling animals, we’ve … More Deadlocked Talons

Spring break up-part I

The Kuskokwim River ice is super close to breaking up. Migratory birds are flying around everywhere. Open water is iminent! Juncos, thrushes, seagulls, geese (Canada, snow and white-fronted aka speckle bellies), swans (mostly trumpeter but also some tundra), northern shovelers, northern pintails, mallards, green winged teal, greater yellowlegs, and the list goes on. I saw … More Spring break up-part I

Signs of Spring

Although spring officially began on the calendar on March 20th, it takes about another month for things to start warming up and thawing in McGrath. That time has come. The drip…. drip…. drips cascading off the roof are such a welcomed sound! And it’s finally happening after six months of winter. Icicles are developing. Windows … More Signs of Spring

Sourdough Sam

He’s not an old, crusty Alaskan bushwhacker, gold miner, or trapper. But he is crusty, and he is old. His name? Sourdough Sam! What is he? He’s an Alaska sourdough starter. With each passing month this winter we are learning more and more about him. As the most recent addition to our family, he is … More Sourdough Sam

Dream Cabin

I have been dreaming of having a cabin in the middle of nowhere for over three decades. Last summer this dream became a reality. Join me through this post and discover the cabin building journey to a dream fulfilled. … More Dream Cabin

Smoking Salmon

Ahhhhh….the sweet smell of smoldering cottonwood filled the smokehouse. The end of summer was approaching and a local friend who grew up on the Yukon River was showing us how to cold smoke salmon using traditional indigenous ways. If you like salmon, this post is definitely for you! It is fairly easy to prepare the … More Smoking Salmon